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20th Anniversary Single Molecule Spectroscopy Workshop
[Conférence] M. ORRIT - Single Molecules and Nanoparticles as Windows on Soft Matter
2015 Chemistry Tour - W.E. Moerner explains visualising molecules with fluorescence
Single molecule spectroscopy
Single molecule spectroscopy
"Principles and Applications of Superresolution Microscopy", Clemens Kaminski | Open Readings 2016
William E. Moerner: Single-Molecule Spectroscopy, Blinking, and Photocontrol
Molecular motors through the use of single molecule force spectroscopy methods
W.E. Moerner plenary presentation: Single-molecule spectroscopy, imaging, and photocontrol
Interview with Shimon Weiss (UCLA, Los Angeles)
ETB - Single Molecule Spectroscopy - Lecture 1
Interview with W.E. Moerner (Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014)